
Vague unknown fears, for which there can be given no explanation, no reason. Yet the patient may be terrified of something terrible going to happen, he knows not what. These vague unexplainable fears may haunt by night or day. Sufferers often are afraid to tell their trouble to others.

- The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies

The Aspen flower essence personality has a disproportionately developed astral body, especially in relationship to the ego, or conscious awareness.

People in the negative Aspen state are extremely sensitive to impulses and psychic currents around them. Everyone picks up the energy of their surroundings to some degree, just think about how frustrating it is to stand in line in the post office, or how you feel in a hospital. However, people in the negative Aspen state are able to notice and absorb these negative energies, such as conflicts in the workplace, the psychic energy of a fellow rider on a bus, and of course, the fear of war, financial disaster, and other "what ifs." They are often aware of developing conflict before others around them take notice.

In the negative Aspen state people are overwhelmed by fears that they are unable to name, or pinpoint out the source, thus the Aspen remedy is mainly for „unknown” fears, however it might be a bit tricky to differentiate between known and unknown fears and might require further analysis. Also, in extreme cases this unknown fear can develop into an anxiety attack, and even then, people cannot pinpoint out the source.

An end result of repeated Aspen-fear attacks is a chronic case of impending anxiety, diarrhea, knots in the stomach and loss of appetite, insomnia, fear of another attack of fear.

Certain group meditations, „bad trips” during drug use, or strangely enough attempt to self-help can trigger the negative Aspen state… in this case, people become too opened-up and vulnerable, basically prematurely opening up their astral sheaths and become stuck on these planes.
After treatment with the Aspen Flower Essence, people will once again enter subtle states of consciousness and will be able to discover the higher planes without being fearful. The essence calms and harmonizes the innate psychic capacities of such individuals, by allowing the conscious mind to receive and process more information.

Aspen is a powerful remedy for children or animals, who feel apprehensive at night, or who experience fretful, disturbed sleep.

Aspen is also a powerful remedy for children and animals. If a child is scared of the „monster under the bed”, doesn’t want to sleep without lights or experience disturbing dreams, Aspen is the remedy for him/her. Animals who are scared of storms, thunder or the dark could also greatly benefit from the Aspen flower essence.

My personal experience with Aspen:

Aspen greatly helped and continues to help me ease my anxiety. Whenever I feel that my anxiety is getting out of control it always soothes me… in all honesty, there has been nights when I actually slept with the bottle on my chest and I felt calm, and sort of guarded throughout the night. (Yes, the energy of the essence can be felt and somewhat absorbed by simply holding the bottle aswell!)


I am open to trans-physical awareness.
I encounter what is unknown without fear.
My sensitivity is a gift for others.
My courage is a light for others.

Bach Flower Essence Combinations

Please note that these formulas are merely guidelines. Each person has their own story and underlying cause behind their problem… for example, you might have anxiety, because you suppress your emotions, or because you are shy and timid and a different remedy is needed in both of these conditions. Use your own wisdom to modify these combinations. I highlighted the essences that I believe is essential in each formula.



The jovial, cheerful, humorous people who love peace and are distressed by argument or quarrel, to avoid which they will agree to give up much. Though generally they have troubles and are tormented and restless and worried in mind or in body, they hide their cares behind their humour and jesting and are considered very good friends to know. They often take alcohol or drugs in excess, to stimulate themselves and help themselves bear their trials with cheerfulness.

- The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies

The Agrimony type appears carefree, happy and looks like they are at peace with their surroundings. They often have lots of friends and are the „life of the party”, they don’t like to bother anyone with their problems and even in the face of negative experiences, they rarely look bothered. They are trying to play the role of the peacemaker and do not want to acknowledge or integrate adverse experiences or circumstances, nor face dilemmas. They are hypersensitive to conflict and confrontation.

 The main objective of an Agrimony person is to remain hassle-free, without worries and confrontations, however beneath this cheerful mask they harbor fear and anxiety which they might try to suppress with alcohol, drugs or by keeping themselves busy with partying and socializing… for the same reason, they don’t like to be alone, because being alone causes them to think about themselves and their situations.
They are afraid of their own shadow side, or they fear confronting their own feelings. Because the Agrimony personality resists seeing itself in totality, it is always unbalanced and unable to make contact with its higher self.

This tendency to hide their true emotions might originate from childhood. Children who have been taught not to show their distress and always to observe proper social conventions are especially at risk.

A negative Agrimony state can develop in people who are practising the spiritual path. They try to remain at peace and in a blissful state, while trying to suppress negative emotions and thoughts. Agrimony is good if used with a child who is too serious, precocious. This way we want to support their childlike nature. To help them recover the joy of life and the nature of being a child.

Thus, the main negative tendencies of Agrimony is denial and suppression. The Agrimony Flower Essence may assist in releasing inner tension, anxities and hidden emotions, while getting rid of the superficial mask of cheerfulness to look deeper within us. It may also assist with extreme anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress syndrome, in which unpleasent memories have been suppressed within the subconscious mind.

A paragraph from the book "Applying Homeopathy and Bach Flower Therapies to Psychosomatic Illness: A Treatment Guide in Four Parts" from Boedler Cornelia and Cornelia Richardson-Boedler is an excellent summary regarding the suppression and how Agrimony can help:

"Agrimony helps alleviate the pain and tension surrounding the suppression of strong emotions and helps the inner self to be authentic and open to wholesome communication. The pain experienced during migraines and resulting from this suppressive dynamic is a physical protest against the disharmonious affront of strong emotions, their frustration and suppression. Agrimony helps the body cope with this affront by balancing the opposing will and unifying the inner self into wholesome self-expression."

The Agrimony Flower Essence helps us come to terms with the darker side of our lives and personalities, so that we can become more rounded human beings. It reinforces sincerity, authenticity and natural reactions and restores the ability to express ones true feelings and emotions no matter what these might be, without the fear of rejection or ridicule. It may assist in accepting, acknowledging and transforming our pain, rather than masking it. Other indications for this remedy are restless sleep patterns and a need for constant outer stimulation. Agrimony promotes ease of expression, leading to feelings of real inner harmony and peace.

My personal experience with Agrimony:

Please take note that I’m also taking the homeopathic remedy Nat Mur for my condition, so I can’t accurately pinpoint out the effect of certain essences.

During my depression, I had a tendency to disregard my own condition, thinking that „I’m probably just pitying myself” and didn’t take myself seriously at all and tried to force positive thoughts on myself even when I felt down, while in the mean time suppressed my bad thoughts and feelings. Don’t get me wrong, positivity and self-care is definitely essential in the healing proccess, but by my own experience, the exageration of positive thinking while one feels utterly down just makes the situation worse.

Agrimony is a constant companion during my treatment, because of my massive tendency to suppress and repress. Constantly suppressing emotions requires a lot of energy and is a massive force. Agrimony is greatly helping me to ease this suppression and denial and occasionally take a peak into the baggage I'm carrying around.


I acknowledge and accept my inner pain.
Truth is my healer.
I allow others to see who I truly am.
My Light shines luminous and transparent.
