Bach Flower Essence Combinations

Please note that these formulas are merely guidelines. Each person has their own story and underlying cause behind their problem… for example, you might have anxiety, because you suppress your emotions, or because you are shy and timid and a different remedy is needed in both of these conditions. Use your own wisdom to modify these combinations. I highlighted the essences that I believe is essential in each formula.

This page is a work in progress!

Depression Formulas

I decided to include more than one formula in case of depression, because its just a general term for something much more complex and personal. Also, I don’t think that a single formula would be enough for depression, its more like going layer by layer. Once again, use your wisdom.

Caused by Loss

Star of Bethlehem, Honeysuckle, Wild Rose

Caused by Trauma/Shock

Star of Bethlehem, Honeysuckle, Agrimony, Cherry Plum

Caused by Suppressing Emotions

Agrimony, Holly, Cherry Plum, Rock Water, Scleranthus

Caused by Overwhelm/Exhaustion 

Olive, Elm, Mustard

General Depression Formula

Mustard, Gentian, Chicory, Holly, Gorse, Crab Apple

Loneliness Formula

Agrimony, Water Violet, Heather, Chicory

PTSD Formula

Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Mimulus, White Chestnut

Panic Attack Formula

Cherry Plum, Impatiens, Chestnut Bud, Agrimony, Red Chestnut

Psychic Defense Formula

Crab Apple, Mustard, Holly

Self-confidence Formulas 

In case you feel strong self-hatred and self-loathing

Crab Apple, Pine, Holly, Chicory, Willow, Heather

In case you feel insecure and need a boost to your self-love

Holly, Beech, Cerato, Centaury, Willow, Larch, Chicory

Ultimate self-confidence formula (Not so deep-acting, its more like a general boost)

Willow, Heather, Chicory, Pine, Walnut, Centaury, Cerato, Crab Apple, Mimulus

Irritability Formula

Impatiens, Beech, Holly, Willow

Formulas for physical complaints

Do not use only flower essences for serious physical complaints! Medical treatment can be supplemented by the following essences.

Hypertension (High blood pressure) Formula

Mimulus, Aspen, Agrimony

Hypotension (Low blood pressure) Formula

Olive, Clematis, Wild Rose

Allergy Formula

Because allergies are signs of psychic or physical intoleerance, any essence or combination that is suitable for making us more tolerant will be appropriate.

Beech, Crab Apple, Holly

Anemia Formula

Gorse, Olive, Wild Rose

Birth Formulas

For general easing of the discomfort of labor:
Agrimony, Aspen, Chicory, Elm, Impatiens, Mimulus

Premature birth:
Elm, Gentian, Mimulus, Olive, Water Violet

For weakness during labor:
Gentian, Olive, Walnut, Wild Rose

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